Today’s class continued last week’s discussion of setting. We discussed how the setting is the story’s location and also the time when the story takes place. We talked about how, to create an atmosphere, a writer can use sensory details: sight, smell, feel/touch, feel/mood. A new group wrote on last week’s prompt: Describe a place you once lived. Then, participants read their work. We wrote for another 15 minutes on another place we lived that was different than the first.
116 Sartoga Avenue and Halen Hays
By Jamal R.
In 1982 I was 12 years old. We moved to Yonkers, an Italian block. The majority of it was teenagers— my sister and I made lots of friends. I started hanging out with them and their friends. We used to make believe we were in school; instead we would cut school, go to the park and do things I was not allowed to do. I started getting into trouble. I was in the seventh grade.
In 1986, when I was 16 years old, I had a stroke and I became paralyzed. I couldn't feel my whole left side. They transferred me to a special hospital called Halen Hays Hospital. It is a rehabilitation for people who have had a stroke. I learned how to walk and eat right. I had to learn everything all over again. I was a lefty and I became a righty. They (the staff) made it fun for us. They had a school for sick kids, I met the New York Giants, went to Yankee games, they had barbecues— rain or shine. I was on the first floor for the kids only but I started hanging out with the grown ups on the second floor. I started smoking again.
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